Our vision

Education for Africa

to make sure that the citizens get a fair return for the work they provide. We want to make sure that people can provide for themselves instead of just handing things out to them. “Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he will eat for a lifetime”.Here are some notable projects AFTS took part in:

Dakateli College:

Our board members are responsible for assessing the village of Dakateli and targeting families most at risk of being unable to send their children to school. Their findings are then presented to the board for examination. All members of the board are able to bring cases related to education and health to the board for examination.

Review historical data:

The AFTS raised funds for the building of a college in Senegal. We had been asked by the “Parents Association of Students of Dakateli” to help with the building and operating costs of a new college built by World Vision in Senegal. World Vision approached the Parents Association about building a new college that would eventually be operated by the government. In order for this project to succeed, World Vision needed the local villagers to contribute 10% of the cost associated with this project. The college was completed by late 2013. Even though World Vision has asked for a small percentage of the total cost, the Parent Association knows how poor most people are in the village. They simply cannot come up with this money alone. The AFTS in partnership with the Parent Association would like to thank you for helping support this college. By purchasing our products to the AFTS, you are helping make the dreams of so many students come true. We will be posting updates about the college so check back soon!

School Lunch Program

As part of Ba Cisse’s trip home to Senegal, he decided to help out a very desperate school. To read about his journey home and the remarkable story about a school in need, please read A Chair for All.