this is what we do

The African Fair Trade Society

– a Shea Butter Company uses the profits of our Shea Butter sales to establish a channel of micro-aid to small, impoverished communities in Western Africa. We distribute money and resources without patronage or privilege towards any sector or group within the village.

The AFTS imports Shea Butter from, Senegal and Ghana Once in British Columbia, Canada the Shea Butter is then used to produce soap, shampoo, and skin lotion. These products are packaged, and then marketed throughout British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba,Ontario and Saskatchewan via trade shows, the internet, and local community programs.

For a complete list of stores carrying our Products please visit the Stores section of our website. Our products are produced in an environmentally sensitive manner without being tested on animals. All of our products are cold pressed with no chemicals, filters or mineral oil added.

Our Goals

We target funds towards those most in need without bias. Our goal is to invest in the Health and Education infrastructure of rural villages in West Africa. Currently we are working closely with the village of Dakateli in south eastern Senegal. The following is a break down of our main objectives: